Rest In Peace, Sweet Dog



I buried my dog in the deep woods today, down where we used to walk when he was well. Kratos been ill for a year or so. On our last visit to the vet I heard words like “no obvious issues”, “possibly stomach cancer”, and “quality of life”. He’d been in steady decline and for the past few weeks I’d been dreading our final trip to the vet together. I told myself as long as he had the strength to wag his tail when he greeted me, that I’d feed him well and make him as comfortable as possible during his final days. This morning was the first morning in our relationship he didn’t meet me with a smile and a wag. He was laying on the deck I had built for him years ago, where he loved to soak up the afternoon sun on cool days. He looked peaceful. I don’t think he suffered, just wound down like an old clock.

I have been around some wonderful animals over the years, producing photo/film shoots for pet food/care companies, but between family, business, photography and fishing, just never felt I had the time for a pet. Kratos was a gift to our youngest son but he soon became my companion. We shared a love for walking. He also loved to swim, and I’d let him take a dip every time we trekked around one of the lakes in our neighborhood. He once swam in 48° degree water. I don’t know anything about Labrador, but they breed some hardy dogs up there.I am so glad for the years of companionship I had with Kratos, and I am going to miss his friendly personality and unflagging good cheer. Rest in peace, sweet dog.
About the Author
Larry Lynch
Former photographers' agent, commercial producer, copywriter, on-camera performer, voice-over talent, actor. Husband, father, a REALTOR® since 2003, and primary photographer for the Shop Tyler Homes team.