Location: | Southeast Tyler, south of the University of Texas between the Hwy 110 and Hwy 64 and Old Omen Road |
Date Established (approximate): | 1983 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | 600+ |
Lot Sizes | 0.175 to 3.73 acres |
Price Range: | $145K to $1.3M |
Square Footage | 1513 to 6788 sf |
Utilities | TXU Electric, CenterPoint Gas, City of Tyler Water & Sewer, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | $45 to $660 |
Amenities: | Underground utilities, pool and tennis court |
Towns: | Chapel Hill |
Schools: | Wise Elementary (preschool to second grade)/W. L. Kissam Intermediate (third to fifth grade)/Chapel Hill Middle (sixth to eighth grade)/Chapel Hill High (ninth to twelfth grade)/Wings (eleventh and twelfth grade) |
School Districts: | Chapel Hill |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
Website | Visit Website |
The Woods is a large subdivision located just south of The University of Texas at Tyler and includes several sub-developments, some gated, including Chapel Woods, The Woods-Oak Tree Village, The Ridge @ The Woods, and Brighton Creek @ The Woods. Utilities are underground and residents enjoy the lakes and mature trees.