Location: | From WSW Loop 323, West on Briarwood
Date Established (approximate): | 2002 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | Approximately 244 |
Lot Sizes | 0.2 to 1+ acres
Price Range: | Homes $300K-$1.9M, Lots $50-300K
Square Footage | 2500 to 6000 square feet
Utilities | TXU Electric, Counterpoint Gas, City of Tyler Water & Sewer, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | $400 to $1800 annually
Amenities: | Country
Club with large clubhouse, restaurant, fitness room and swimming pool;
18-hole championship golf course with water and sand features, trees,
and wonderful views of Lake Bellwood. There are two indoor climate-controlled tennis courts and eight lighted outdoor courts.
Towns: | Tyler |
Schools: | Dixie Elementary, Three Lakes Middle, John Tyler High School. Next door to All Saints Episcopal School
School Districts: | Tyler |
Website: | http://www.cascadesoftexas.com/
The Cascades is a country club with golf, tennis, swimming, gym, walking trails and a marina located on Bellwood Lake. The location, next door to private school All Saints Episcopal, is convenient for parents whose children attend there.