Location: | East of Tyler, north of Hwy 64 in Chapel Hill |
Date Established (approximate): | 1996 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | Approximately 74 |
Lot Sizes | .5 to 1.6 acres |
Price Range: | $222-$450K |
Square Footage | 2100 to 4100 square feet |
Utilities | TXU Electric, Southern Utilities Water, Atmos Gas, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | Approximately $450 annually |
Amenities: | Gated, lakes curbed streets |
Towns: | Tyler, Chapel Hill |
Schools: | Wise Elementary (preschool to second grade)/W. L. Kissam Intermediate (third to fifth grade)/Chapel Hill Middle (sixth to eighth grade)/Chapel Hill High (ninth to twelfth grade)/Wings (eleventh and twelfth grade) |
School Districts: | Chapel Hill |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
A gated neighborhood with waterfront homes on Pleasure Acres and Deer Creek Lakes and a community pool, Deer Run is convenient to the University of Texas at Tyler (5 miles) and the Medical Complex on S Beckham about 7.5 miles to the west. The lakes have produced trophy bass and catfish, as well as many stringers of delicious crappie.
Homes are a minimum of 1800 sf and at least 60% brick or stone on most lots, with a few requiring 2000 sf (lots 1, 3 and 4 in Block 3 and lots 7-24 Block).