Location: | South of Tyler, east of Hwy 69, off FM 346 |
Date Established (approximate): | 1979 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | 150+ |
Lot Sizes | 1 to 20 acres |
Price Range: | Homes $220-$665K, Lots $50-200K |
Square Footage | 1900 to 5500 square feet |
Utilities | Cherokee Country Electric, Southern Utilities Water, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | $220 annually |
Amenities: | 4 stocked fishing lakes, 14 acres of common area, Spring Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Hayride |
Towns: | Tyler |
Schools: | Stanton-Smith Elementary/Whitehouse Jr/Whitehouse High |
School Districts: | Whitehouse ISD |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
Website | Visit Website |
[caption id="attachment_5048" align="alignright" width="207"] Larry Branch, Developer[/caption]
Everyone in Country Place is fortunate to be living in a developer’s dream. Larry Branch, who passed away in November of 2014, had the creative vision to imagine a unique neighborhood called Country Place when it was just a forest and rolling hills. In 1978, Broadway Square Mall had just been completed and Tyler was still getting used to the idea of driving “so far south” to go shopping. Creating a subdivision eight miles beyond that was a big gamble in the eyes of most developers and real estate agents. But Larry Branch had a vision and over a period of several years he turned 272 acres of East Texas wilderness into the neighborhood so many love today. With 14 acres of common area and four stocked lakes managed for trophy bass, there simply isn’t another neighborhood like it in our area.