Location: | South Tyler; just east of Broadway (Hwy 69), north of FM 346, south of Loop 49 |
Date Established (approximate): | 2007 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | 63 |
Lot Sizes | From 0.4 to 0.9 acres |
Price Range: | Homes $350-$530K, Lots $50-70K |
Square Footage | 3000sf to 4300sf |
Utilities | TXU Electric, Counterpoint Gas, Southern Utilities Water, Woodmark Sewer, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | $400 to $450 |
Amenities: | Gated, landscaped entry, paved & curbed streets, underground utilities |
Towns: | Tyler |
Schools: | Stanton-Smith Elementary, Whitehouse Jr and Sr High |
School Districts: | Whitehouse ISD |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
One of several luxury gated communities (Saddlebrook Estates, Vanderbilt Estates, Baker Plantation) located along Old Bullard Road between Loop 49 and FM 346, Cooks Ranch is a Raymond Johnson community still under development. The area surrounding is comprised of forest and ranch land on rolling hills, but shopping is only minutes away.