Location: | West of Old Jacksonville, south of Loop 49 toll road |
Date Established (approximate): | 1996 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | 260+ |
Lot Sizes | .2 to .44 Acres |
Price Range: | $107-385K |
Square Footage | 1564 to 2850 square feet |
Utilities | TXU Electric, Centerpoint Gas, Liberty Sewer, Southern Utilities Water, AT&T or Suddenlink Phones, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | No |
Dues: | No |
Amenities: | Landscaped entry |
Towns: | Tyler |
Schools: | Owens Elementary/Three Lakes Middle/Robert E Lee High School |
School Districts: | Tyler: Robert E. Lee |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
Acadia Place is located in South Tyler just off the Loop 49 toll road, west of Old Jacksonville, east of Hwy 155, and just north of, and within walking distance of, award-winning Owens Elementary and in the new Three Lakes Middle School area. Lot sizes vary from .2 to .44 acres. This is a neighborhood popular with young parents looking for a sense of community and is known for its block parties, Moms’ game nights and kids’ play-dates.