Location: | South of Tyler, east of Hwy 69, off FM 346 |
Date Established (approximate): | 1979 |
Number of Properties (approximate): | 150+ |
Lot Sizes | 1 to 20 acres |
Price Range: | Homes $220-$665K, Lots $50-200K |
Square Footage | 1900 to 5500 square feet |
Utilities | Cherokee Country Electric, Southern Utilities Water, Suddenlink Cable |
Properties Owner Association: | Yes |
Dues: | $220 annually |
Amenities: | 4 stocked fishing lakes, 14 acres of common area, Spring Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Hayride |
Towns: | Tyler |
Schools: | Stanton-Smith Elementary/Whitehouse Jr/Whitehouse High |
School Districts: | Whitehouse ISD |
Restrictions/Convenants: | Yes ( Download Here ) |
Website | Visit Website |
Located on the west side of Lindale and convenient to excellent Lindale schools, shopping, restaurants, and medical, Corrigan Trails is a gated neighborhood with underground utilities, sidewalks, a cabana for entertaining, a pool with spray fountain, and a basket ball court.